El pasado mes de octubre se puso a la venta el segundo disco de Florence Welch y su banda, titulado Ceremonials. Ya habían acaparado mi atención con su anterior LP, Lungs, con temazos como The dogs days are over o Cosmic Love (ambos temas fueron incluidos en episodios de Skins y Anatomía de Grey, respectivamente -dos grandes series que de entre sus muchas cualidades destaca el apartado musical-), pero con este Ceremonials me han ganado definitivamente.
La voz de Florence es portentosa, descomunal. A veces, incluso estridente. En sus temas no hay sencillez ni minimalismos, todo es llenado con música. El sonido es grandilocuente, casi majestuoso. A veces, el esfuerzo invertido puede llegar a saturar, deberían dosificar energías de cara a futuros trabajos. Puede que sea por eso que he elegido como representación del álbum el tema más sosegado, musicalmente hablando y por decirlo de alguna manera.
Además, la letra me parece una maravilla.
And the heart is hard to translate
it has a language of its own
it talks in tongues and quiet sighs
and prayers and proclamations
in the grandest of great men
in the smallest of gestures
in short shallow gasps
but with all my education
I can't seem to command it
and the words are all escaping
coming back all damaged
and I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how
I can't seem to understand it
I would give all this and heaven too
I would give it all if only for a moment
that I could just understand
the meaning of the word you see
cause I've been scrawling it forever
but it never make sense to me at all
And it talks to me, it tiptoes
and it sings to me inside
it cries out in the darkest night
it breaks in the morning light
but with all my education
I can't seem to command it
and the words are all escaping
coming back all damaged
and I would put them back in poetry if I only knew how
I can't seem to understand it and
I would give all this and heaven too
I would give it all if only for a moment
that I could just understand
the meaning of the word you see
cause I've been scrawling it forever
but it never make sense to me at all
poor language it doesn't deserve such treatment
and all my stumbling phrases never amounted to anything worth this feeling
oh this heaven, never could describe such a feeling as I knew it
words were never so useful
so I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before Leer más...